Fremantle Arts Centre, WA
Now in its third year, Proximity Festival remains the only one-on-one performance platform of it’s kind in Australia. Nine days of experimental micro-performances, masterclasses, discussions and celebrations.
Breathe air from different ages on Earth, cut loose in a 60 second twerk, climb rooftops in search of love, sit behind the wheel with a learner driver and discover what memory tastes like.
Proximity Festival 2013 brings together artists from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States working across theatre, dance, live-art and visual art to create twelve personalised experiences inviting you to reconsider what performance can be.
Download the 2014 Festival Guide.
Program A
Cat Jones (NSW), Caroline Garcia (NSW), Toyi-Toyi Theatre (WA), Ian Sinclair (WA)
Program B
James Berlyn (WA), Alina Tang (WA), Jen Jamieson (WA), Tanya Lee (WA)
Program C
Loren Kronemyer (USA/WA) Emily Parsons-Lord (NSW), Hallie Shellam (VIC), Sylvia Rimat (UK)
Curators Sarah Rowbottam and Kelli Mccluskey
Producer Sarah Rowbottam
Advisor/Provocateur James Berlyn
Guest Provocateur Julie Vulcan
Marketing Manager Thom Smyth
Stage Manager Mary Wolfla
Technical Manager Collin Best
Technical Assistant Andrew Weir
Assistant Producer Intern Georgia King
Design Ash Pederick
Guest Lab Facilitators Steve Bull, Sensorium Theatre (Francis Italiano, Michelle Hovane)
Ushers Sarah Dunstan, Allan Girod, Megan Roberts, Jess Day, Indi Ranson, Bianca Stewart, Kate Shelton, Claire Mosel, Carlin Monteiro, Alana Lock, Amanda Watson, Jill O’Meehan, Taylor Reudevey
Install/ Construction Casey Ayres, Dave Brophy, Dan McCabe,
Curatorium Robert Cook, Jeff Khan, Leigh Robb, Ric Spencer, Fiona Winning, David Williams, Martyn Coutts and Julie Vulcan.
Proximity Festival is co-presented by Fremantle Arts Centre and supported by the Department of Culture and the Arts, the City of Fremantle and the Australia Council for the Arts, the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body.